The 7 Types of Wellness for Total Health

From HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts to calming meditation, everyone’s wellness routine looks a little bit different. And really, everyone’s definition of wellness is different. People often associate wellness with physical and emotional wellness – pursuing a healthy body and mind – likely because these types of wellness are commonly discussed and understood. So, how can you expand upon mind and body practices to develop a more well-rounded self-improvement routine? It’s important to consider all 7 dimensions of wellness to emerge your best.
Below, you’ll discover the different types of wellbeing, along with helpful practices to consider including in your total wellness routine.
We hear it all the time: “eat well and exercise.” Physical wellness is what’s generally thought of when we think of wellness, and for good reason. Taking good care of your body through physical fitness and healthy eating can support a healthier lifestyle, not to mention it can support your energy and a number of bodily health functions.
Practices to consider: Eating more fruits and vegetables; moderating alcohol consumption and added sugars; exercising regularly at your own pace; experimenting with new, exciting workouts from aerial yoga to rock climbing; supporting your immune system with Emergen-C.*
To strike a healthy balance between mind and body, we must not neglect our emotional and mental wellness. This dimension of wellness involves practicing gratitude, expressing emotions in a healthy way, having positive self-esteem, and mental clarity.
Practices to consider: Reflect in a daily gratitude journal; take 10-minute mental breaks during the workday to decompress; try meditation to improve mental clarity and reduce stress.
Just as our bodies require food, so do our brains! Our daily routines require a certain amount of intellectual stimulation and energy to help keep our minds sharp and our brains functioning as best as possible. Intellectual wellness not only improves cognitive functions, but it can also feed creativity and imagination.
Practices to consider: Do a daily word search, Sudoku puzzle or brain teaser; read books as often as possible; take a course or watch a masterclass that’s of interest.
Sometimes referred to as “Vocational Wellbeing,” occupational wellness focuses on achieving balance between work and leisure in a way that is healthy and satisfying. Our ability to find a healthy work-life balance can greatly affect wellness, performance, personal interactions and success. This can also be achieved by leveraging your personal skills and talents to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.
Practices to consider: Take an enrichment course to improve your knowledge; volunteer your skills to a local group; write out goals, plan how to execute them, and begin!
Of all of the dimensions of wellness, spiritual wellness is often the most uniquely interpreted. To some, it’s the idea of an openness to the possibilities of the world, and to others, spiritual wellness is founded on a core set of beliefs, ethics, principles or values that shape your life in positive ways. In most cases, however, spiritual wellness involves finding peace of mind and harmony between the physical world and your inner being.
Practices to consider: Spend time in nature to reflect and rejuvenate; take a trip to contemplate deeper questions from a fresh perspective; take a yoga, tai chi, or judo class to combine physical exercise with a philosophy emphasizing meditation and/or self-awareness.
In today’s times, with technological communication at its peak and social gatherings taking on new forms, it’s important to still feel connected to others. Social wellness is strengthened by nurturing relationships with family, friends and communities, which helps contribute to a fulfilling life.
Practices to consider: Join a virtual club to connect with like-minded people; organize a time each week to video chat with friends and family; volunteer locally to give back.
When we help to protect and nourish the world around us, we’re inviting a sense of wellbeing into our lives. This wellness dimension emphasizes the importance of preserving and appreciating our environment and considering how our daily habits can affect the world in which we live. This involves living in harmony with the earth by taking conscious actions to protect it.
Practices to consider: Engage in regular recycling and/or composting; plant and tend to a garden; use natural cleaning products; use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
At the end of the day, finding a healthy balance among these 7 dimensions of wellness can help you to achieve a more satisfying life and emerge your best. Ready to embark on your self-improvement journey? There’s no better time to start.
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i. Center for Health & Wellbeing: Seven Dimensions of Wellbeing
Accessed 10.16.20
ii. Psychology Today: Advancing on the Spiritual Path
Accessed 12.1.20
iii. National Center for Biotechnology Information/National Institute of Health
Accessed 12.1.20
vi. Washington State University: Occupational Wellness
Accessed 10.16.20
v. AAEP Org: Spiritual Wellness
Accessed 10.16.20